Thesis to Book Publishing

Are you a PhD Research Scholar looking to publish your Thesis as a Monograph with an ISBN Number? You have come to the right place.

Thesis to Book
The Law Brigade (Book) Publishers

Monograph Publishing Service

A Monograph is a specialist work of writing or exhibition on a single subject or an aspect of a subject, often by a single author, and usually on a scholarly subject.

The Law Brigade (Book) Publishers is a publication house which will help you publish your Thesis as a Monograph (in eBook as well as Print Format) with ISBN Number and Chapter-level DOI. 

Publication of Monograph will be Open Access. 

Scholar can also request for a dedicate publication website for their monograph publication. 

Features of our Thesis to Monograph Publication

Original Links

We assign free Links to All Papers as well as the entire eBook.

Certificate of Publication

Publication e-Certificate is provided to all authors separately.

eBook with ISBN Number

eBook of Conference Proceedings will be provided bearing an ISBN Number.

On-Demand Print Books

We provide on-demand print copies of Conference Proceedings subject to minimum order of 50 copies.

Publication Service Fee

Indian Scholars

Publishing Service
10500 Fixed
  • Peer Review of All Chapters
  • Monograph eBook with ISBN
  • On-Demand Hard Copies
  • 50% Advance Fee
  • Hosting on our Platform

Indian Scholars

Publishing Service + Dedicated Website
16000 Fixed
  • Peer Review of All Chapters
  • Monograph eBook with ISBN
  • On-Demand Hard Copies
  • 50% Advance Fee
  • Dedicated Website for the Book

Foreign Scholars

Publishing Service
$ 160 Fixed
  • Peer Review of All Chapters
  • Monograph eBook with ISBN
  • On-Demand Hard Copies
  • 50% Advance Fee
  • Hosting on our Platform

Foreign Scholars

Publishing Service + Dedicated Website
$ 250 Fixed
  • Peer Review of All Chapters
  • Monograph eBook with ISBN
  • On-Demand Hard Copies
  • 50% Advance Fee
  • Dedicated Website for the Book

Publication Procedure

Step 1
Submit Proposal
Submit Proposal

You submit the proposal and our team reviews it. Within 48 working hours, our team contacts you regarding a brief discussion about the proposed publication.

Step 2
Invoice Generation & Payment
Invoice Generation & Payment

Based on the conversation, our team prepare the Invoice for your approval. Post Approval, you need to make 50% Advance Payment. 

Step 3
Reservation of ISBN
Reservation of ISBN

Post Advance Fee Payment, we will start the process of ISBN reservation for the Monograph Book and reserve DOI. 

Step 4
Appointment of Thesis Editor
Appointment of Thesis Editor

We will finalize the Editor for the Monograph. 

Step 5
Initiation of Peer Review
Initiation of Peer Review

A Peer Review will be initiated once we finalize the Editor and we receive the complete thesis.  

Step 6
Editing, Proofreading & Copy-Editing
Editing, Proofreading & Copy-Editing

After the peer review is complete, the papers will be edited by our editors. In case any change is required from your end, we will coordinate accordingly. Post editing, the papers will be proofread and copy-edited by our editors. 

Step 7
Publication of eBook
Publication of eBook

The Layout Editors will finalize the eBook as well as Print-Ready Version (as needed). Subsequently, the Monograph will be published on our website and will be shared with the Author.  

Step 8
Payment of 50% Remaining Fee
Payment of 50% Remaining Fee

Post publication of eBook, the author will be asked to make the full and final payment of the publication fee. 

Step 9
Google Scholar Indexing & Sharing of eBook
Google Scholar Indexing & Sharing of eBook

Post publication of eBook, the production team will send the papers to Google Scholar and other indexers for indexing and sharing the book. 

Step 10
e-Certificates will be Issued
e-Certificates will be Issued

e-Certificates of Publication will be issued to the author.

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Submit a Monograph Proposal

Please click on the below link to submit a proposal for publication of Thesis to Monograph eBook. 

We will get back to you with the status update within 48 working hours. 

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