Traditional Perspective on Marriage and Current Trends in Indian Society

Publication Information

Book Title: Marriages and Divorces in Indian Society
ISBN: 978-81-956533-4-8
Author(s): Prof. (Dr.) Neeti Pandey & Dr. Nitin Pathak
Published On: 22/07/2023
First Page: 122
Last Page: 135
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher


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Prof. (Dr.) Neeti Pandey & Dr. Nitin Pathak, Traditional Perspective on Marriage and Current Trends in Indian Society, 122-135, Published on 22/07/2023, Available at



One of the most profound and intricate human partnerships is marriage. It is a society’s foundation. It entails a societal sanction, typically in the form of a religious and social ceremony, approving a sexual relationship between two people of different sexes. According to Dr. Radhakrishnan, former president of India, marriage is an underlying requirement of human civilization rather than merely a custom. The Hindu philosophy of marriage, sociological perspectives on marriage, different kinds of marriage, and Hindu forms of marriage are all covered in this study, along with the benefits and drawbacks of each. The discussion covered Indian views on marriage as well as Hindu marriage as a sacrament. Marriage between Muslims, Christians, and diverse Indian tribes were also documented, in addition to weddings between Hindus.  As we examined many kinds of marriage, we learnt about inter-caste and inter-religious marriages as well as monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, endogamy, exogamy, gotra exogamy, and sapinda relationships. This research paper is analysing the recent trends of marriage in Indian society.

Keywords: Marriage, Types of Marriages, Society

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